Internal Wall Insulation (IWI)

Make your cold room cozy!

Houses with solid external walls, which are most commonly found in buildings constructed before 1930, do not have an insulated cavity like modern houses. As a result, there is only a single skin of masonry between you and the elements, which often leads to the rapid transit of cold and damp through to your internal space. This lack of insulation can significantly impact the comfort and energy efficiency of the home. Adding internal wall insulation may seem like a daunting and disruptive task but our highly skilled team go to every length to ensure minimal disruption to your home life.

I was really impressed with how little mess there was considering all the plaster was taken off the wall, they took every care possible
— Jenny, Oxford

Clean, Tidy, Skilled


IWI Process

Step 1.

We start by stripping the plaster from the walls to be insulated leaving the exposed bare brick.

Step 2.

We then apply a levelling basecoat on lime plaster onto the brick. This provides a flat surface for mounting the insulation boards and a better surface for the adhesive to stick to.

Step 3.

The wood fibre insulation boards are then fixed to the wall using mechanical fixings and adhesive.

Step 4.

Lime plaster is applied to the top of the boards and a reinforcing mesh is embedded into it. The top layer of this plaster is then finished as smooth as possible. This is then painted with a suitable, breathable paint.